Two or three weeks ago I went to Minatura, and, as always had a lovely day catching up with old friends and admiring the exquisite work on offer from top artisans. It was sad that some old friends have, like me, retired but also sad that there do not seem to be very many new young artist craftsmen joining the miniaturist ranks.This time my spending was on a couple of super vintage treasures - not quite miniatures, but little.
1920s doll |
1930s ceramic 'Westie' - reminds me of the little dog called Toddy who used to live next door |
Our small granddaughters have been for a visit and they're very keen 'creators'!! I'd saved a couple of cheesey biscuits tubs from Christmas - about 6" tall - covered them in white paper and chopped out windows and a door and glued in a first floor. The girls went to town with paper, glue, felt tips, plasticine and odd redundant miniature bits and pieces from my store - Voila!! Two little houses - the next generation of miniaturists is born. I know many of you also have children and grandchildren that enjoy our hobby let's encourage them - we need them all!!
I hope all your gardens are looking spring-like - mine cheers me every day. I picked a few pieces of this lovely japonica to wish you all a very Happy Easter.
Thank you for looking
Hi Robin! I'm glad to read that you've been visiting Minatura and have had a nice visit, meeting friends. I agree with you about the young people, but I also think it has to do with the modern hasty lifestyle: work, work, work and more work, raising kids, caring for their elder parents and there's always so much to do that there's too less time for being creative...? Here, it's the same thing, the older miniaturists retire and there are often no new artists...
I love seeing your new purchases, they're so lovely.
I love what you achieved with your creative granddaughters, their tiny houses looks lovely.
When my grandson will be old enough (he's now just 8 months old), I'll try to stimulate his creativity and try to invite him for discovering creativity techniques....
Happy Easter to you and yours!
Hugs, Ilona
When I was young, I used to make doll houses from cardboard boxes and so I think that your 2 biscuit barrel home conversions for your grand-daughters are Wonderful for them as much as they are nostalgic for me.
I know that they will not only get MANY hours of enjoyment from them, but you will too as you watch them create their own tiny worlds, and so much healthier than cell phones or video games.
I LOVE your antique doll and dog and know that you will be joining your grandkids in building a new home for them too!
My garden is growing Like Stink! although there's currently more RAIN than blooms right now.
Have to say that I do agree, young parents today have so much less time and more responsibilities than I did, so even if they don't have time to 'create' I think it's lovely that they encourage their children and encourage us to 'play' with them. YOu might have to wait a year or two Illona but what fun.
Yep - cardboard box dolls houses...did we all do that? Glad your garden is growing like mad Elizabeth, mine too. LOVELY!!
Me han encantado tus compras,pero aún más las casas que has construido con tus creativas nietas,a mi me gusta mucho incentivar la creatividad de los niños y lo valoro mucho!
Preciosas flores! que tengas una bonita Pascua!
Thank you Pilar - Have a lovely Easter
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