On the whole, Mother Nature is the expert when it comes to plants - but every now and again a mini-monster slips past her, to devastating effect. A couple of years ago mealy bugs crept into my conservatory and wreaked havoc among the orchids, I'm chasing the odd vine weavil as I type, and in the garden the ferocious lily beetle has arrived. Aaagh!!!
Let me show you these vile mini-monsters. The mealy bug is barely a couple of milimeters long and clusters in fluffy, sticky groups and the other two are under 1/2" but their destruction is dreadful.
Vine Weavil |
Mealy Bug |
Lily Beetle |
It took more than a year and a half to rid myself of the mealy bug, which I suspect came in on a rescued plant during which time it happily sucked sap from half the orchids and left them rather unhappy. Now they are fending off the occasional attack from the odd vine weavil which has chewed off all the flowers on the orange tree and started on a couple of orchids. This monster lays its eggs in the pot and the nasty grub chews the roots of ailing plants before turning into this grey monster. But it ain't bright enough for me!! During the day it hides, but at night crawls across my light coloured wall - I switch on the light and splat with a slipper!!!! Three so far, I hope that's it.
The scarlet lily beatles can destroy any plant in the lily family overnight. My Imperial lily out in the garden has been got at already! It's cunning. Easy to spot, Oh yes, but on approach (must have eyes in the back of its head) just falls off the plant and disappears. So the slipper works fine on the weavil but reluctantly I have resorted to chemical warfare on the mealy bug and lily beetle. I have to win this war!!!
Let's be cheery - despite a sudden brief snow storm I think Spring is on the way. These lovely tiny hoop daffodils are just perfect.
Indoors - more orchids.
Thank you for looking
I agree with your slipper solution Robin and understand completely regarding your chemical warfare on the lilies. I have had bugs just drop off certain plants upon my approach and it is next to impossible to find them in the dirt!
Nevertheless, your photos of your green housed BEAUTIES have been well worth your tender care and nightly vigilance! :D
Oh dear, you must be exhausted, Robin, with your nightly expeditions and warfare on those nasty bugs. You took nice pictures of your beautiful plants, and they're worth your protection!
So, I can really understand that at nights you are busy protecting your beauties against them, but I hope you'll take also night rest seen your sciatica.
So, take care, for yourself at first, than for waging war against bugs with slippers ;D.
Warm hug, Ilona
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