While I love 1/24th scale which seems to occupy me the most at the moment, and 1/48th scale is fascinating and challenging, 1/12th does allow the opportunity for more detail on both sculpt and costuming - very satisfying!!
The most recent commission is this Tudor Falconer and I've enjoyed making him so - and getting back to some period costuming. His new owner loves birds so I hope the little 'falcon' comes up to scratch. It's properly hooded and the handler is carrying bait and jesses in the leather pouch slung around his waist. I've more dolls to make, which I'll show you 'anon' and meanwhile of course like the other standholders at The Thame Dolls House and Miniature Fair on 18th February, there's lots of work to be done for that. I know some wonderful Raffle Donations are coming in to raise funds once again for Breast Cancer Campaign, so for all the details do take a look at the website.
I'd like to tell you about another super fair! We're not able to attend this year, but would like to wish the tireless organisers and everyone else involved, great success. All the profits go to The Hostel at Doubletrees Special School.
EAST CORNWALL DOLLS HOUSE and MINIATURE FAIR is on Sunday 22nd January in the lovely and ancient Cornish Town of Lostwithiel.
11.00am - 4.00pm in Lostwithiel Community Centre. Further details from Jenny 01726 - 815626 or Cathy 01726 - 882830
Thank you for looking.
Es un bello personaje! Me encanta el halcón
Un abrazo
Robin... he is absolutely lovely! I'm sure his new owner will cherish him....
Hi Robin, Thanks for coming by... Good job on the Tudor Falconer, he is sure to please... I love his costume.
Thank you all - I really appreciate the comments from artisans I admire.
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