It's always fun to be given the opportunity to indulge in some lavish costuming and a few jewels, and Henry VIII and his second wife Anne Boleyn gave me just that!!
Henry was in his forties when he married Anne - thought to be a lady-in-waiting to his first wife Catherine of Aragon - attracted by her dark hair and striking looks.
A physically big man with a personality to match, I've tried to reflect this in the doll itself and his lavish costume. Poor Anne came to an unhappy end, charged with adultery, incest and the suggestion of witchcraft, she was beheaded as Henry - with only daughters to succeed him - found himself another wife who might give him a son.
Anne is supposed to have started the fashion for ribbon 'choker' necklaces to cover a mole on her neck and extra long flowing sleeves to hide a sixth finger on her hands. Probably one of the most fascinating reigns in English History, the marriage of this King and his Queen completely reshaped religion, politics and the rules of royal succession.
It's been fun to brush up my history and remember the old rhyme from school - 'divorced, beheaded, died - divorced, beheaded, survived'!
To finish, I can't resist sharing this photo of my Bilbergia nutans that has just come out in my conservatory. Its otherworldly flower spikes wouldn't look out of place on a tudor tapestry - and its common name is Queen's Tears!! Seems appropriate!
Thank you for looking.
Henry and Anne made me smile :) They're
AbFab Robin, shaking my head over the detail and personality of these two, can't imagine how tiny they must be in that scale either.
Thanks for the botany lesson, I believe I have these plants in my garden but didn't know what they were called.
You managed to produce an impressive Royal Pair. Thanks for the explanation.
A very interesting plant. I don't thing I've seen it before. Looks easy to produce in miniature.
So lovely!
*despite the tragic history of facts.
Me encantan esos dos personajes con tanta personalidad.
Gracias por la explicacion, nunca habia visto esa planta.
besitos ascension
Hi - I'm glad you've all enjoyed this blog - many thanks. I think how wonderful it must be to have 'Queen's Tears' in the garden! Wow!
Are you tempted Drora? I would be fun to see it in miniature. I hope the history lesson wasn't too much - I do get a bit carried away!
I love your royal couple - Henry is looking particularly benevolent as the new husband of a young and beautiful wife should look, while Anne has a look of Prince William's wife. Maybe his taste in feminine beauty is something he inherited from his many times great grandfather. :)
The royal couple is exquisite and I really enjoyed the history lesson. I have never seen the Queen's Tears plant before. It looks very interesting and very pretty. I hope your amaryllis blooms for you, too. They are so beautiful!
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