It's always the same - has been for years....X number of days/weeks to go and not enough hours in the day... the list of stock needed is unrealistically long....real life hiccups happen ....we should set it to music!!
SO a bit of calming down required here!
Another commissioned order managed to make it out before reluctantly I had to say to lovely people 'I need stock for the fair...sorry,can you wait?' she is. A 1/24th French Floozy just about to leave my muddley workbench for more salubrious surroundings.
If you click and go to Thame Dolls House & Miniature Fair, not only will you find details of all 45 top flight artisans attending the fair, but details of workshops on the following day (Sunday) in Thame.
Details too of fundraising - a hugely popular Sales Table and (now famous) Tombola run by Market Town Miniaturists ( our local Dolls House Club), - Raffle of Artisan Donations coordinated by Celia Thomas of KT Miniatures (check her website too, for fantastic vintage and handmade items) - a fabulous Chinese Gatehouse to be won and the Sealed Bid Auction for
'A Frosty Morning...after the night before', made and donated by Celia and myself. ALL IN AID of BREAST CANCER CAMPAIGN.
.....not forgetting a terrific exhibition by the Club members which always attracts attention - this year ATTICS!
'Frosty......' which was commissioned by Dolls House and Miniature Scene Magazine as a How-To Project features the third and last part in the March issue out now. Incidentally if any of you make this project, Celia and I, wearing our 'Nostalgia in Miniature' hats would love to see pictures.
I think the word is 'phew'!
Thank you for looking.