One of our lovely customers knew just the carpenter she wanted and I was delighted to bring him to life for her; he has his pencils, ruler and polishing rag in his pockets and carries a chisel ready to get some work done. Clearly he needed a bench so the carpenter half of our team set to and built him a bench with vice and half-made furniture.

I thought you might like to see what the miniature carpenter is making ....when it's finished it will be one of these beautiful Macintosh chairs!

More tiny 1/48th pieces of furniture are coming out of our workshop and this set of shop shelves looks great as a dresser with dining room furniture which I'll picture another time. We (well not actually me, of course) make a 1/24th version and a shop counter and till, and there will be a 1/48th counter in due course.....or so I'm told!
It is lovely to see some more followers - a warm welcome to you all.
Great work, Robin & Robin!
Esta escala esta muy dificil de trabajar. La has hecho muy bien. El carpintero muy tranajador.
Besos Clara
wonderful work! thanks for welcoming me ;)
These items are wonderful! The little carpenter is great. Your dolls are so characterful.
Phew! Thank you ladies - it really gives me a big lift to see your generous comments.
Wonderful figure :0) I always admire these tiny scale things so much!
Preciosa figura.
Me encanta como trabajas a esa escala, enhorabuena!!!
besitos ascension
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