As other makers know, there's this balancing act of working on commissions without keeping people waiting too long, trying to maintain some kind of reasonable stock and still finding time to try out new ideas and create new characters. At the moment I'm having trouble keeping all the balls in the air.......... but I have made a batch of 1/24th scale heads and hands today, so hope springs eternal, and all that!
In theory the stand should have a group rather like this picture, which was taken before the last show.

I've been having a fiddle to see how I fared making a 1/48th child doll, that was also poseable. This is the result - I'm not sure I shall be making any more! She was 'a fiddle'!!

I'm going to put her away now and make a Mum and Grandad to go with her later, which will be my donation to the Breast Cancer Campaign Raffle at The Thame Fair in February. I know there are some super prizes already donated and you can see them if you go to KT Miniatures where Celia Thomas is coordinating the Raffle. For details of the fair itself go to
And....if you have fallen for 1/48th scale, do nip over to Louise Win's blog and website and see her wonderful work! The detail is superb! At this point 'thank you' Louise for your kind mention.
As always - thanks for looking!
p.s. As a novice blogger this is my first attempt at making links that work! If they do, it's entirely due to Celia's kind lesson today!
Thought perhaps I'd order a 1/48th Baby.....rofl....
Don't know how you work in such a small scale!
Love the 1/48th dolls Robin! Having moved down a scale myself I can empathise with the trials and tribulations of working in smaller scales.
We have a fair on 7 November too and panic is already well established!
Hey.....your links are working Robin-yoo hoo! I wasn't sure if you were listening when I was trying to explain(only joking)!.....Mind you, it's like the blind leading the blind with this blog malarky isn't it....if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have noticed the blog Stats button, and I've being doing this blog thing for a few months now?!lol Celia
It's fair to say I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for Celia, Mags and Sandra...and I'm sure there's a good joke in there, if I dared.....
I'll ignore Mags's baby order, and panic along with you Sandra!
Thanks girls!!
Unos personajes adorables. Una escala muy dificil.
En el blog de Louise Win, imposible hacer comentarios. Si la conoce comunicaselo. Besos Clara
Thank you so much for your kind comments, Clara.
I also know that it is impossible to leave a Comment for Louise - I have emailed her to let her know.
They are fabulous Robin, the little girl is mindboggling LOL but looks so sweet.
I have a fair on 6th november so will join you and sandra in a group panic !!
julie x
Thanks Julie - a group panic it is then! Anyone else with a fair over that weekend is welcome to join us. Lol.
Me encantan tus personajes.
Ademas de ser preciosos, deben de ser dificilisimos en ese tamaƱo, enhorabuena.
Gracias por los enlaces.
besitos ascension
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