Sharing a love of Dolls House Miniatures - and making time for other creative crafts and the garden.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Little Garden

And Another Lovely Day! These lovely days just keep coming......the sun is shining.... Wimbledon and strawberries are the order of the day and we had a super half-day workshop with the Cheltenham Miniaturists last Thursday.

This is the Little Garden we were making with the members and friends of Cheltenham Miniaturists - in both 1/12th and  1/24th scales.

Celia and I were very spoilt!  Nostalgia in Miniature (our joint workshop enterprise) is usually to be found dragging tables and chairs about before setting up...... but like magic, ladies appeared to help us and wafted coffee and lemon drizzle cake before us!! The cake alone temps us to return!

Getting started
We had such a warm and enthusiastic welcome and it was great to catch up with old friends and meet some new ones.
This was a large group who really worked hard and so quickly that we ran to keep up....and they read  their instructions! (

Celia taking a look at progress so far
Although a lot was expected in 3 hours everyone had completed their gardens and were going to add some more planting and finishing touches at home. We look forward to seeing some pictures, which is always treat for us.
The club members were keen to learn some new techniques and this was what we focussed on - using very ordinary everyday materials and some original ideas that can be used in other individual projects.

First step in creating the little garden
My overgrown garden....the second week at Wimbledon....jam to make and a backlog of orders has decided me to take a break for two or three summer weeks, so I'll see you all in a bit. Enjoy the summer.
Bye for Now

Thanks for looking

1 comment:

elizabeth s said...

OH these little gardens are Lovely and what a treat to eat lemon drizzle cake as well as meet up with old friends again! I know just how enthusiastic we can be when it comes to our gardens and I hope that you can find more time to spend in your RL one Robin, as well as on your minis! Like most people I know I read the directions AFTER i get started on a project. The fact that the ladies in this group read them BEFORE hand, attests to the intelligence of each of them. If you only have 3 hours why waste the time UN-doing when you could just be DOING? A Very Practical and Enthusiastic Group! :D