I've been croaking and coughing so admit to slacking on the work front - so I'm very happy to tell you about the work of lovely friends, and picture another beautiful flower from my garden......I know...any excuse!!
Inspired by seeing the wonderful lace on Catherine's wedding dress, I'd like to show you a fabulous Easter card we were thrilled to receive. With apologies to Jayne for the less than perfect photograph (it's Gran's blanket in the background Jayne) - if you love old lace or beautiful fabrics brought back to enchant us in the 21st Century, whizz over to www.jcmiddlebrook.co.uk
where you will be delighted with the treats in store. Based in Nottingham the home of lace textiles for centuries, these delights are based on old designs but use up-to-date techniques.
The website is fabulous......I love it! I know that they're off to Germany any minute now to showcase their work - so huge best wishes.
O.K. guys - here comes the Aquilegia - also called Granny Night-caps and Grannies Bonnets. One of our favourite flowers, we encourage them to cross promiscuously in our garden and have a lovely selection of colours and flower shapes....... but this one in pure white come close to perfect - like the dress!!
Julie Bennet makes fantastic and original houses ! She has three recent blogs showcasing her new builds - a super Old Boathouse, French style, and two super little 1/24th cottages. Do take a look - she can be found if you click here . I have to say I also love the garden backgrounds she uses in her great pics.!
On the home front, and just before the lugy hit me I managed to get this little 1/24th old retired sailor finished...yes I'm still in a muddle.
If you've been reading recently you'll have seen that Celia Thomas of KT Miniatures and I are running a workshop called 'Over the Little Garden Fence' in June - we have only two places left - so if you're able to get to the lovely market town of Thame in Oxfordshire on June 26th and are tempted, click on the box on the right - 'Over the Little Garden Fence' to find out all about it and see the pictures.
Thank you for looking.
Great doll Robin, looks a bit like Uncle Albert.
Love those white aquilegia's Robin, never had any white ones ours are all different colours, mostly pink or purple shades.
The doll is brilliant, looks like captain Birdseye.
Hope you feel better soon.
Ah....so is he Uncle Albert or Cap'n Birdseye....?
Hands up - we bought the white one last year!! I'm hoping it has crossed with some of the others - there are lots of seedlings. Thanks for the good wishes - I'm so bored with feeling rubbish.Lol.
What a pity to hit Spring and pick up a cough! I hope you are feeling better soon.
I love Aquilegias, although I think it is too warm here to grow them successfully. Maybe I'll try another packet of seed and cross my fingers :) Your white ones have such a pure look to them.
I'll add a 3rd old sailor to the list and suggest he could be Captain Jim from Anne's House of Dreams (Anne of Green Gables series) He has a dreamy look of watching for his lost love over the sea.
Oh I'd forgotten about Captain Jim - Anne is my favourite character from my favourite series of books! I love them as much now as I did when I was 10!! Do try the aquilegias again Christine - we have a super pale yellow one with long horns that was orignally from a packet of U.S.A. seed. There was a flame orange too, but we've moved so it's either lost or crossed!!
Es absolutamente fantastico y real.
Me encantan todos los detallitos que tiene...ese pelo y barba blanca, la gorrita....todo-
besitos ascension
Many thanks Ascension.
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