Well, as you can see I'm still working in a muddle; it was a last minute thought to give the errand boy a basket instead of his usual bike. He's 1/24th scale.
I was so pleased to have an order from my chums at Model Village Miniatures for a group of 1/24th characters to accompany their fabulous furniture and furniture kits at Miniatura this weekend. So, their shop fittings will have a little shopkeeper and a customer to bring them to life and there will be a chap in the pub, not to mention a gardener checking out the gardening range.
Of course they also have a full range of their brilliant, easy-to-make and reasonably priced kits in 1/12th scale as well and I believe there will be some super new things for the kitchens. Last time we met I bought one of their beautiful teeny-weeny knitted white rabbits and there are other gorgeous toys.....and wish I'd bought a lovely comfy, shabby chinz sofa in 1/24th scale.
If you're visiting the show do take a look at their stand which is K6
Mags Cassidy - Mags-nificent Miniatures is well known for her splendid range of authentic, researched period food and her basins of windfall apples and blackberries are becoming legendary .....I've sent along Fag Ash Lil' to make sure her wartime kitchen is cleared up properly and check out the laden tables.
Mags is on H12
Very best wishes to everyone exhibiting this weekend - I look forward to visiting.
Lovely dolls as per Robin. What day are you at Min? I am going Sunday.
Lorra Luffies
Debie xxxxxxx
Celia and I are going on Sunday - would be good to catch up.
The dolls are so wonderful!!! The best 1:24th I have seen!!
Fabulous as always Robin x
Love your dolls they have charm and carisma of real people ... real nice .. Paul
Thanks to you all for your super comments, and for being so encouraging.
Robin, you should show more of your male dolls they are amazing, even more amazing in this scale.
Dave W
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