Principally a doll maker, I began to build 1/24th scale cottages, fitting them in between sculpting. It became something of a 'treat' for me as I created and continue to, just three or four each year depending how busy life is.
Veryan is a beautiful village, famous for its five round houses, built in the early nineteenth century by the Trist family of builders, apparently at the instigation of the local vicar, to provide work for the local men in hard-pressed times. They're white painted, all a little different, but each with an impressive Cross on the top of the pointed roof. The story goes that they are round so that the devil has nowhere to hide!
Inspired by these cottages I've just completed a little 1/48th scale one, and hope you'll enjoy seeing it. It will be on our stand at the Thame Dollshouse and Miniature Fair on 19th February.
The back of the cottage - with and without the removable roof
You'll see from the following pictures, that I've made other round houses - both are 1/24th scale. The white one is the most 'authentic', with traditional flint-bordered windows - one of the earliest ones and called 'Roundabout'. It was well before my digital camera, so the picture quality isn't great.
The other one, 'Blackberry Bottom' was commissioned for a family of mice, and has a blackberry bush growing around the back. The 1/24th scale houses all have open backs. Another day I'll put up pictures of ones that aren't round.

I must just say a quick 'Welcome' to new followers - sorry that I've not properly visited your blogs yet - and a special one to old friend Dave Williams of Harvington Miniatures, a great miniature painter (amongst other talents) who has just started a new blog - do take a look.
Thanks for looking.
They are lovely Robin and so tiny.
Debie xxxxx
Thanks so much Debie.x
I've just been to your blog Kathy, and now I'm following your awesome food!! Thanks for your lovely comment too.
Robin's little 1/48th cottage is stunning. I saw it "in the flesh" today. If you are coming to Thame Fair next go take a look on Robin's stand. I would imagine it will go pretty quick though.
Will you have more than one of these on your stand Robin?
Shucks - thank you good for my ego. No I won't have any others at Thame, this will be the only one. I'd planned to have more, but I'm afraid I'm running out of time....
Love the tiny wisteria on Blackberry Bottom!
Hope I get a chance to see the Cornish cottage before it flies off your stand at Thame.....
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