So.... for those of you who know me well, it'll be no surprise that I've grabbed two or three days in the garden between the rainy days this week. If you have no interest in gardening.... it's O.K can skip all this and I'll get back to miniatures very soon, I promise!!
It's VERY soggy, but there's loads to be done - today I reduced a large hazel by about half ! Weilding hefty loppers or pruning and bushman saws is very therapeutic!! The lawn is full of hazel branches, but I shall use a lot of the twiggy stuff for staking plants and bring the catkins indoors to look spring-like in a vase with some forsythia.
The spring flowers are almost the best of the year I think, because they are the very first....the helebores are beginning to open, each one subtley different - quietly looking downwards so I have to scrabble about and lift their faces to see them properly. The early spring dwarf iris are the most striking;Iris reticulata, and I. Kathleen Hodgkins, which is my favourite.
I could go on...but this is supposed to be a 'miniature' blog, so the last pic. is the flower that breaks the winter, on bare twig with wonderful almond scent - Viburnum bodnantense.
I hope you've enjoyed the pictures and a tiny diversion...let me take the opportunity to warmly welcome new Followers who have joined us recently.
Thanks for looking.