When I opened my copy of the September issue of The Dolls House Magazine this week I was chuffed to see my 1/24th Brownie and Guide used to illustrate the mini feature on the Girlguiding movement which is 100 years old this year...even more chuffed when orders for them followed. I now have to get my head down and work!
It seems a shame to leave out the Cubs, so my picture includes them too.

Feeling a little smug, I was returned to earth a bit sharpish when my husband came in from his workshop and presented me with a dozen 1/24th deckchairs that all needed their stripey 'canvas' attached.
I've done that, so earned a brownie point or two.

In the same issue of the mag., in the Georgian dining room feature, my chum Mags Cassidy of Mags-nificent Miniatures is showing her quite fabulous new Georgian dishes which she is launching at autumn Miniatura - her food is mini-mouthwatering, do take a look. www.mags-nificent.co.uk
Julie Campbell, of Bella Belle Dolls, another lovely and talented friend, has her superb footman positioned to serve these dishes - not only that she's giving him away on the competition page!! www.bellabelledolls.co.uk
I love your brownies, cubs and girl guides. Fancy putting all the badges on on 24th scale ~ amazing......joy
These are so cute Robin, love their little outfits too !
julie xxx
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