Thame Fair is a great place for 'new' launches and I know a number of colleagues have some exciting new items to unveil, which I'm looking forward to seeing in the pre-opening whizz-round (any later and they'll probably be sold) with the bacon butty and vital caffeine we grab if we can before the doors open!!So amongst our 'new launches' are......
Little 1/48th ladies in long frocks - granted that doesn't sound very radical or exciting - but long frocks, bodices and sleeves are even MORE fiddly and take more time!
We'll still have a selection of little ladies and gents in rather more up-to-date costumes - a witch and little girl have slipped in there along with Gran going shopping. Any not sold at the fair will be on general sale afterwards, as we don't work to commission for dolls in this scale.
Please do get in touch if you'd like to be advised when we do have them available.
To add to our 'furniture and accessories' we have a breakfast tray with tea pot, cup and saucer and plate and a REALLY teeny-weeny tiny set of shelves with a selection of ornaments, designed to hang on a wall.

A couple of the 'long frocks' amongst other new characters appearing at this fair!!

Apologies - I find 1/48th scale difficult to photgraph successfully! Please bear in mind as you enhance the size, that the dolls are hardly 1 1/2" high and the little shelves and trays just over 1/2" wide.

You will have noticed (because we both continue to bang on about it) that
Celia Thomas (KT Miniatures) and I, wearing our
Nostalgia in Miniatures Workshops hats have donated our 1/12th scale project called 'A Frosty Morning...after the night before' for a Sealed Bid Auction to raise funds for Breast Cancer Campaign, a charity close to our hearts - and of course, many others too.
If you are coming to the fair and have seen the project in
Dolls House and Miniature Scene Magazine, who originally commissioned it as a 'How To' project this year, do take a look. If you're inspired to own it, you can bid on the day at the fair. If you're not in our area but are still interested or are considering making a bid take a look at all the details on Nostalgia in Miniatures under our Charity slot, or on the official
Thame Dolls House and Miniatures Fair website.
Coombe Crafts (that's us) is Stand Number 36 and KT Miniatures (Celia) Stand 29 - in the same group of stands - and we'll both be happy to tell you more about our Workshops.
Market Town Miniatures (MTM), the local Thame Dolls House and Miniature Club is TEN YEARS old!!!!
Congratulations to those who have kept an enthusiastic and inspiring club going. New members are WELCOME and there are ladies wearing MTM badges and/or pink T-shirts, running the (now famous) Tombola, Sales Table, Artisan Raffle - ALL in Aid of Breast Cancer Campaign - at the fair.
If you are interested in joining MTM or just would like to know more...say 'Hello'...... or ask for Jill on the Breast Cancer Campaign Sales Table - she'll be happy to give you all the (very friendly and informal) details. And...before you go...the Club has a stunning display of vignettes and room boxes, including the most recent 'The Attic', completed over the years - worth a visit!!!
FINALLY - if you're coming, do come and say 'hello' to us on Coombe Crafts, it will be lovely to meet you. If you're NOT coming and are fed up with reading about it.......we shall all be back to normal next week...Promise!
Thank you for looking and welcome to the Followers who've joined in the last week or so.