If I'm not pottering in the garden I'm working with a view of it and keep popping out for another peep as it changes hour to hour - never mind day to day!
I could indulge myself and just fill this blog with photos of flowers because I know many of you love them as much as me...but I do like to show I'm working! So may I introduce you to Flo......she's just a little lady, 1/24th scale to be precise, getting on a bit as you can see.....and still working!
Around the turn of the century she walked through the local markets selling her flowers, which she grew at the back of her little old cottage. She puts on her smartest 'every-day' frock and wraps a warm shawl aound her shoulders; her hat has seen better days too but she re-trims it now and again - with flowers of course.
Like Flo I love the cottage garden style of planting - the slightly disheveled, overblown, stuffed-full variety - with old terracotta pots and ancient watering cans strategically placed...... grassy paths.......old bricks...scarlet runner beans up hazel poles.....
....So I've squeezed in just a couple pictures of my flower border - fabulous oriental poppies, and a wonderful black bearded iris - which was cut down by the wind just after I took this photo!
Not that I'd have picked it otherwise, but it does look exceedingly grand in a vase!
Back to work! Fifty years or so after Flo, these 'young people' wearing the height of 1950s fashion are on their way out for the evening. I'm not actually sure that 'fashion' was an 'in' word then - my Mother talked about particular styles being 'all the go'! The comparison between these frocks and and the current crop is pretty dramatic - today's clothes are so much more fun!!!
I hope you've enjoyed looking at both the characters and the flowers...Morris Dancers are on the work bench at the moment, more flower-trimmed hats!
Thanks for looking.