And the winner of my Tuthill!!!
If you'd like to
email me with your address Jean, I'll pop the little lad and the chair in the post to you. I know he'll be going to a good home!!
Jean has a lovely blog.....
.A Romantic Country Home.....and clearly loves gardening as well as miniatures as much as me - do visit!
It's been a busy week (when isn't it??) - having promised to let you know if I still had any 1/48th characters still for sale, I'm personally pleased of course to report that they've all been sold. I'm more than happy to hear from anyone who would like me to contact them when I have another group made. Just
email me. Meanwile a 1/48th witch is on her broom stick heading across the Atlantic to her new home!

Next Sunday (18th September) is the second
Nostalgia in Miniature Workshop which Celia and I are running, so we've both been busy on last minute jobs - in my case making miniature has lavender in it so smells nice for a change - and checking that everything is REALLY ready!!
One of the nicest things said to me recently, was by a participant in the previous workshop who had made her very first 1/24th scene of any sort, and was thrilled with it. She brought along her little 'Over the Little Garden Fence' to show me with the finishing touches all done, at a recent fair and it was super! Our workshops are for all abilities, very friendly and lots of fun.
We have a couple of places left for
'Down the Little Garden Path' next Sunday, so if you're tempted, whizz over to our
website and see more, or catch up with the latest news on our
Down the Little Garden Path
In non-miniature news - a visit to a Car Boot sale this morning saw me buy a bargain box of wonderful old Queen's Green china - cups and LOTS of saucers! Love it!!! I even love the ancient wooden Canary Island Tomato box they were packed in!
I have plans for this........

Thank you for reading the blog - joining in the Giveaway - and deciding to be a new Follower!